

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Notice related to Bharti Camp.

Notice related to one day Bharti Camp at District Sports Stadium, Latehar campus on Dated- 21.02.2025.

17/02/2025 21/02/2025 View (285 KB)
Important Notice under District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) Latehar.

Important Notice regarding to published request for proposal for Monitoring App Development under District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) Latehar.

07/02/2025 13/02/2025 View (181 KB)
Notice for PM National Apprenticeship Fair.

Notice for one day PM National Apprenticeship Fair on Dated- 10.02.2025 in the campus of B.S. Degree College Latehar.

05/02/2025 10/02/2025 View (140 KB)
Notice and Provisional priority list after objections received for promotion in priority list-02 (grade-04) (Arts, Language and Science) of teachers working in primary schools under Latehar district.

Notice and Provisional priority list after objections received for promotion in priority list-02 (grade-04) (Arts, Language and Science) of teachers working in primary schools under Latehar district.

04/02/2025 06/02/2025 View (378 KB) ARTS (9 MB) LANGUAGE (6 MB) SCIENCE (1 MB)
To provide opinions/suggestions on the Draft Coal Bearing Area (Acquisition and Development) Amendment Bill 2024.

To provide opinions/suggestions on the Draft Coal Bearing Area (Acquisition and Development) Amendment Bill 2024.

03/01/2025 31/01/2025 View (2 MB)
General Notice for settlement of Sairats under Nagar Panchayat Latehar Area.

General Notice for Fixation of Entry Fee on Commercial Vehicles Entering Nagar Panchayat Latehar Area.

08/01/2025 29/01/2025 View (1,017 KB)
General Notice for settlement of Sairats under Nagar Panchayat Latehar Area.

General Notice for Endowment of Mahashivratri Mela Banpur Latehar under Nagar Panchayat Latehar.

08/01/2025 29/01/2025 View (727 KB)
Triple Test Survey report under Latehar Nagar Panchayat.

Ward wise survey report for determining eligibility for reservation to backward classes under Latehar Municipal Body Area.

21/01/2025 28/01/2025 View (7 MB) Ward No.-1 (7 MB) Ward No. -2 (5 MB) Ward No. -3 (5 MB) Ward No. -4 (6 MB) Ward No. -5 (6 MB) Ward No.- 6 (5 MB) Ward No. -7 (6 MB) Ward No.- 8 (8 MB) Ward No.- 9 (7 MB) Ward No. -10 (5 MB) Ward No. -11 (3 MB) Ward No. -12 (6 MB) Ward No. -13 (4 MB) Ward No. -14 (6 MB) Ward No. -15 (4 MB)
Notice & Provisional Priority List for Promotion-2, Grade-4 (Arts, Language and Science) of Teachers Working in Schools under Latehar District.

Notice & Provisional Priority List for Promotion-2, Grade-4 (Arts, Language and Science) of Teachers Working in Schools under Latehar District.

20/01/2025 27/01/2025 View (253 KB) Parmotion List (9 MB)
Notice & Revised Second Provisional Priority List for Promotion-2, Grade-4 (Arts, Language and Science) of Teachers Working in Schools under Latehar District.

Notice & Revised Second Provisional Priority List for Promotion-2, Grade-4 (Arts, Language and Science) of Teachers Working in Schools under Latehar District.

22/01/2025 27/01/2025 View (575 KB) Revised Second List (8 MB)